Game End in Billiards

A player wins when he reaches a fixed number of points, chosen at the commencement of the game or has maximum points in a timed game. A referee calls Time when a preset time period has elapsed. A stroke made at the call is allowed and points credited to the player and when play resumes, the previous positions of the balls become the starting point for the next session. When the prescribed time limit is reached in a time format game, it signals the end of the game at which point the scores may be tied. If players play on a points basis, the first to reach the set point figure wins. Players alternate turns or innings during the course of play at the table. There are rules limiting the number of cannons and other strikes so a player must be skilled as well as knowledgeable about the rules pertaining to each game play to avoid committing a foul and forging ahead towards a win.

An expert player will manipulate the cue ball so that it is always in a position to hit the next ball and pocket it and so on. If the next ball cannot be pocketed, the player plays the cue ball in a way making it difficult for the opponent to pocket a ball. This calls for a high level of skills where pocketing a ball and positioning the cue ball for the next shot have to be done precisely in order to score and succeed.



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